Monday, February 4, 2013

A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes - by Charles Elmé Francatelli

Free US/UK Kindle Classic
You don't have to go back to the Paleolithic to find a sensible, economical way to eat!  A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes by English chef Charles Elmé Francatelli will satisfy your stomach and can be paid for with pebbles.  (US Edition)  (UK Edition)  This top chef was educated in France and was chef to Queen Victoria and also was chef of the Reform Club. That is street cred to the max! His cookbook is from 1852.

My object in writing this little book is to show you how you may prepare and cook your daily food, so as to obtain from it the greatest amount of nourishment at the least possible expense; and thus, by skill and economy, add, at the same time, to your comfort and to your comparatively slender means. The Recipes which it contains will afford sufficient variety, from the simple every-day fare to more tasty dishes for the birthday, Christmas-day, or other festive occasions.

That is good advice for any era.

Does the following recipe make you hungry?  Want to throw a party?  It is easy instructions for that ultimate "comfort food," homemade soup!

No. 4. POTATO SOUP FOR SIX PERSONS. Peel and chop four onions, and put them into a gallon saucepan, with two ounces of dripping fat, or butter, or a bit of fat bacon; add rather better than three quarts of water, and set the whole to boil on the fire for ten minutes; then throw in four pounds of peeled and sliced-up potatoes, pepper and salt, and with a wooden spoon stir the soup on the fire for about twenty-five minutes, by which time the potatoes will be done to a pulp, and the soup ready for dinner or breakfast.

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